Sunday, June 15, 2008

First couple weeks

You're wondering why I would post a picture of this building? Oh, it's just our church. We have a little section on the 3rd level with a chapel and a few rooms. It's weird because it looks just like a church inside. It has the same carpet, couches, and everything. It feels like home! We were a little nervous about how we'd find it inside that first day, but saw 2 missionaries out on the street that helped us out.

This is outside the Commonwealth Bank after opening an account. Kind of cool that we have an account in Australia!

Our apartment is FREEZING!!! I think it's even warmer outside then it is inside. There's no heaters so this is how you'd find me on an average night. Brighton doesen't seem to think it's as cold, considering these pictures were taken right after each other and she doesn't even have socks or a jacket on. I even have multiple layers. I'm pretty sure she's the abnormal one, not me! Luckily Jayne came to the rescue and brought over a huge can of Stephens hot cocoa. What a lifesaver!
This is what it looks like on our walk over to the beach. It's amazing!

We hung out at the beach our 2nd Saturday here. The weather was perfect! This name-in-the-sand thing is a lot harder then it looks. Notice the lady in the background staring at us, probably trying not to laugh because we looked like such dorks trying to get a picture before the water came to destroy it.

Here's some views of Bronte Beach, about a 10 minute walk from where we live. I seriously can just sit there everyday and not get sick of it. (As long as it's not raining!) I even get to go jogging along the beach. I've always wanted to do that and I love it! Minus the part where I see lot's of overly-tan old men in speedo's.

This is our first night that we really went out on our own to do something fun. It was quite exciting! We made it to a pizza restaurant and found ourselves spending the rest of the night at our now favorite place, Coles. This may or may not just be the grocery store. Don't judge us. I know it doesn't sound very exciting, but of course we made it fun!

We have to remember that it is winter here. Even though it's still pretty warm, it rained all day every day for a over a week. It was the hardest rain and it seemed to never stop. You know those people you laugh at when it's really windy and their umbrella's flip the opposite way? Well, let's just say Brighton's umbrella struggles a little bit and we're those people that get laughed at. We always get a good laugh ourselves. One night we got home and we were both completely soaked through even though it's hard to see it in the picture. It still rains pretty much everyday so we spend a lot of time with these umbrella's! We're getting really attached so it's a good thing we won't have to part with them when we get home because we'll be just in time for another winter!
The first weekend in June we had a convention for all the young single adult stakes in the Sydney area. Friday night was a dance thing that was way fun and Saturday night everyone performed skits. Our stake just did a few funny dance numbers that we had been practicing for. It was actually really fun. This is Graeme in the picture with us. Don't worry, he's just one of the finalists for the Australian So You Think You Can Dance. We're slightly obsessed with that show. He's in our stake and was one of the judges for the skit night. After watching us practice, he told everyone to dance more like the "American girls" aka Brighton and Wendy. You can only imagine how happy that made us!


Jayne & McKay said...

Wendy! I'm so jealous you're in Australia you must be having the most amazing time ever!! Who is this Jayne you spoke of in your post? She sounds cool, I'd really like to hear more about her! :)

Kelly said...

I am glad you finally posted some new pictures! Looks like your having the time of your life!

Dan and Nicole said...

It looks like you guys are having a great time. What an awesome experience!!